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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔem(Vj)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: paternal uncle
Tabasaran: em
Tsakhur: emi
Udi: ämi-k:
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeq̇IʷV(n)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to swallow 2 to suck
Lezghian: t-üq̇ün- 1
Tabasaran: t-u=q̇I- 1
Tsakhur: o=q̇Ia- 2
Comment: Lezg. and Tab. have an expressive dental preverb. Loss of -n-conjugation in Tsakh. is not clear; it may be caused by an influence of other similar roots (cf. e.g. Tsakh. -o=ʁI- 'to drink, swallow' (with different preverbs)). We may note that an analogical influence occurred in Tab. Düb. - we have there qIuṭ-u=q:I- 'to swallow', opposed to Tab. Kand., lit. qIuṭ-u=q̇I- and obviously influenced by u=q:- 'to drink' (see *HVq̇_Vr).
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeq̇:ɨ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bite
Archi: =eq̇:a-
Comment: Dur. =erq̇:u-r. The Arch. form is isolated within Lezgian, but has rather reliable external correspondences.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeq̇:ʷV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thick (of liquids)
Lezghian: eq̇i
Agul: jaq:ʷe-f
Rutul: iqʷ-dɨ (Shin.)
Kryz: uqʷa-ǯ
Archi: t-uq̇, t-uʁ-du-
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. jiq:i, Akht. iq:i, Ag. Burk. üq:e-f. Archi has a prefixal (expressive or locative) t-.

    See Хайдаков 1973, 106.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeq̇Vn ( ~ -ä-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to prick, stab
Archi: e=q̇ʷVn-
Comment: Labialisation in Archi is probably secondary (automatic in the infinitive eq̇ʷmus < *eq̇n-bos and analogical in other forms). The root is attested only in Archi, but has possible external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔer ( ~ *hI-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 season 2 period of 15 days (from March 21 on)
Lezghian: jar 2
Tabasaran: ir 1
Rutul: er 1 (Khniukh.)
Comment: Obl. base *ʔera- (Lezg. jara-, Tab. ira-, Rut. ere-). 3d class in Rut.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔe(r)χ:ʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to stay 2 to drop behind, lose
Rutul: qiʁ-i=χʷ- 2
Tsakhur: a=χ:ʷa- 1
Archi: e=χ:a- 1
Comment: Cf. also Arch. dur. =erχ:u-r (preserving old labialisation). There are no Tab. or Ag. data (these languages preserve well the old Inlaut resonants), thus reconstruction of Inlaut *-r- is also possible. See Лексика 1971, 258.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔerχʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to comb 2 to scratch, scrape 3 comb (n.)
Lezghian: čuχʷa- 2
Tabasaran: ǯ̌-u=χ- 1
Agul: ž-irχ- 1
Tsakhur: giw-a=χa- 1
Archi: =eχ:a- 1
Udi: oχ 3
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. ǯi=χ-, Ag. Bursh. ǯurχa-, Arch. dur. =erχ:u-r. All reflexes point uniformly to *-χʷ-, except Arch. -χ:-. Tense -χ:- in Archi should be probably explained by the influence of gobχ:a-s 'to scratch, scrape' (or the Lak. form =uχ:Ia-n ?). Lezg., Tab. and Ag. reflect a stem with an expressive preverb (*č:- or *č-).
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔerχʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to ask 2 to read
Tabasaran: h-erχ- 1
Agul: ruχ- 2
Comment: Cf. also Ag. Bursh. ruχa- 'to read' (a secondary merger with ruχa- 'to wail, howl' < PL *raχa-), harχʷa- 'to ask', Tp. (Shaum.) χur- 'to read'.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeχan-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to hang 2 to bow down, hang down
Lezghian: il-iχ- 2
Tabasaran: k-e=χ- 1
Rutul: k-e=χa- 1
Tsakhur: gi=aχa- 1
Kryz: k-eχn- 1
Budukh: ʕ-aχin- 1
Archi: eχin- 1
Comment: The verb is used mainly with preverbs (cf. also Tab. Düb. gī=χ- 'to hang', Kand. e=χ- 'to hang down', Rut. s-e=χa- id. etc.).

    See Хайдаков 1973, 135.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeχIʷ- (~ *ʔuχI-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 virgin soil, fallow 2 meadow
Tabasaran: uχIaw
Rutul: uχIa-l (Ibragimov)
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. uχIaw 'virgin soil, fallow'.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeχVn- (~-l-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to catch fire
Archi: eχmus (eχin-)
Comment: The verb is isolated in Arch., but has probable external correspondences.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeχʷa ( ~ *ʔeχɨ)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to pour 2 to scatter, strew 3 to sift, screen
Lezghian: al-aχ- 2
Kryz: q:-aχ- 1
Budukh: ʕ-aχ- 3
Archi: =eχa- 1
Comment: Arch. dur. =erχu-r. Cf. also Arch. (with secondary -n-conjugation?) e=χin- 'to rain'.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔeχʷen
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to forget 2 memory
Tabasaran: h-ā=χ- (Düb.) 1
Rutul: u=χʷa- 1
Tsakhur: ḳile=χan- 1
Kryz: s-äχn- 1
Budukh: s-eχn- 1
Archi: e=χin- 1
Udi: eχ 2
Comment: In most languages the stem is used in a compound with *jirḳʷ 'heart' in the oblique form (*jirḳʷe- or *jirḳʷe-le-); in Tsakh. this form had become a preverb (ḳile-). The verb belongs to the strong conjugation class.

    See Хайдаков 1973, 125.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔi
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: demonstrative pronoun
Lezghian: i
Tsakhur: i-n
Archi: ja-t, ja-mu
Comment: The Arch. form (ja-) is probably a compound of pronoun stems *ʔi- and *ʔa-; cf. also a separate i- in i-ši-k 'here', i-ši-š 'from here'.

    See Алексеев 1985, 75.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔiʔIʷɨ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: say
Lezghian: luhu-
Tabasaran: p-
Agul: p-
Tsakhur: ihe-
Kryz: lɨp-
Budukh: juʔ-
Archi: bo-
Udi: pe-sun
Comment: In Tab., Ag., Kryz., Arch. and Ud. we witness a case of interaction between the root laryngeal (normally reflected as -h-) and the class infix -b- (PL *p:). Cf. the paradigm in Kryz. (inf. lɨpɨ-ǯ < *l-i-b-ʔIʷɨ-, dur. lu-ri, prohib. m-uʔu), Bud. (juʔu, jɨpǝ-ǯi), Arch. (bo-s < *ʔi-p:-ʔIʷɨ-s, dur. wa-r < *ʔiʔIʷa-r without the class infix). In Lezg. and Kryz. there is a *l- preverb; other languages reflect a prefixless form.

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 88; Гигинейшвили 1977, 138; Талибов 1980, 277.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔiʔʷäl-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to eat 2 to get hungry
Lezghian: ṭü-n (masd.) 1
Tabasaran: iṗ- 1
Agul: ʕüṭ- 1
Rutul: =ile- 1
Kryz: ʕül- 1
Budukh: s-oʡul- 1
Archi: lah-bos 2
Comment: Complicated reflexes in modern languages are due to combinations of class infixes with the Inlaut laryngeal: cf. Tab. iṗu-b (*ʔi-b-ʔ-) / iṭu-b (*ʔi-d-ʔ-); Lezg. praet. ṭü-na (*ʔi-d-ʔu-na) as opposed to the infinitive ne-z (*ʔin-Vs: < *ʔiʔ(ʷ)l-Vs:). The root-final *-l- is well preserved in Rut., Kryz., Bud.; cf. also Ag. Bursh. ʕüṭal-as. On the other hand, the Rut. terminative form li-ʔi-r and the Arch. lah- reflect the metathesized variant *liʔʷä-.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔIam:
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ear
Lezghian: jab
Tabasaran: ib
Agul: ibur
Rutul: ubur
Kryz: ibɨr
Budukh: ibir
Archi: oj
Udi: imuχ
Comment: The Rut., Kryz., Bud. and Ud. forms are historical plurals (with -Vr and -uχ). The Archi form is also a result of a secondary reinterpretation of the form *jam (< *ʔIam:) as a plural; a new singular form *ja had been built and later yielded (quite regularly) Arch. oj. Note that an analogous thing happened also in Udi, where there exists a noun i 'hearing' (and the verb i-baksun 'to hear').The old "plural" form (but already refigured according to the singular) is preserved in Arch. ojom 'ears'.

    See Лексика 1971, 126; Гигинейшвили 1977, 116; Талибов 1980, 274.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔIam:
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: wolf
Rutul: ubul
Tsakhur: umul
Kryz: eb
Budukh: eb
Archi: jam
Udi: ul
Comment: Several forms (Rut., Tsakh., Ud.) go back to a suffixed form *ʔIam:u-l (or *ʔIum:u-l with assimilation/Ablaut); the suffixless stem is preserved in Shakhdagh languages and Arch. 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔIarqIʷɨ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to dig
Tabasaran: u=qI-
Agul: urqi- (Bursh.)
Rutul: a=qIʷa-
Archi: jā=χIa-
Comment: Cf. Arch. dur. jārχIu-r. Strong conjugation class in PL. See Талибов 1980, 305.
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